Articles Tagged with personal injury

pexels-pixabay-263194-1024x683In a recent decision, the Louisiana Court of Appeal reversed a trial court judgment that had held Woman’s Hospital liable for a slip-and-fall accident. The case underscores the importance of understanding the “reasonable care” standard that applies to hospitals in such situations and how it can impact the outcome of personal injury claims.

Courtney Queen slipped and fell on a wet floor near the elevators at Woman’s Hospital. She sued the hospital, alleging negligence. The trial court initially favored Ms. Queen, awarding her damages for her injuries. However, the Court of Appeal overturned this decision.

The Legal Standard:

vidar-nordli-mathisen-ZZvsfoidr5g-unsplash-1024x729In a recent Louisiana Court of Appeal case, Schroeder v. Hanover Insurance Company, et al., the court delved into the complexities of slip-and-fall cases and the crucial role of adequate warnings in determining a business’s liability. This decision highlights the importance of understanding merchant liability laws in Louisiana and how the presence of warning signs can significantly impact a personal injury claim.

Sybil Schroeder slipped and fell in the restroom of a travel plaza, sustaining injuries. She sued the travel plaza and its insurer, claiming they were negligent in maintaining a safe environment. However, she admitted in her deposition that she had noticed two “wet floor” signs before entering the restroom.

The defendants filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that the presence of these signs demonstrated they had exercised reasonable care. The trial court initially denied the motion, but the Court of Appeal reversed this decision.

jon-tyson-FlHdnPO6dlw-unsplash-769x1024In personal injury law, the concept of “prescription” plays a crucial role. It’s essentially a deadline for filing a lawsuit; if you miss it, your claim could be barred forever. A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal case, Jones v. Iberia Parish Government et al., highlights the importance of understanding prescription rules, especially when multiple parties might be involved.

Agnes Jones slipped and fell on an allegedly defective walkway in New Iberia, Louisiana. Within the one-year prescription period, she filed a lawsuit against the property owner and the Iberia Parish Government. However, almost three years after the accident, she amended her lawsuit to include the City of New Iberia as a defendant.

The City of New Iberia filed an exception of prescription, arguing that Jones’ claim against them was filed too late. The trial court agreed and dismissed Jones’ claims against the City. Jones appealed this decision.

pexels-phenyo-deluxe-427483-1486188-1024x683In the realm of personal injury law, a recent Louisiana Court of Appeal case has highlighted the potential pitfalls of multiple lawsuits arising from the same accident. The case, Wicker v. Louisiana Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Company, et al., involved a car accident where the plaintiff, Joy Wicker, initially filed a suit through her insurer, State Farm, followed by a separate personal injury lawsuit. The defendants tried to dismiss the second suit based on the doctrine of res judicata, but the Court of Appeal overturned the trial court’s decision, emphasizing the distinct nature of the two claims.

In 2015, Joy Wicker was involved in a car accident with Cathy Craddock. State Farm, Wicker’s insurer, filed a lawsuit in City Court against Craddock and her insurer, Louisiana Farm Bureau, seeking reimbursement for property damage, rental car payments, and medical payments made to Wicker.

Subsequently, Wicker filed a separate lawsuit in the 19th Judicial District Court, seeking damages for her personal injuries from the same accident.

pexels-pixabay-163016-1024x645A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal case sheds light on the complexities of personal injury claims following car accidents, particularly when pre-existing conditions are involved. In the case of Lewis v. Fowler, the plaintiffs were involved in a minor accident and subsequently claimed significant damages for aggravated chronic pain. However, the court ultimately ruled that their pre-existing conditions were not substantially worsened by the accident and that they had been adequately compensated by the initial settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance. This decision highlights the importance of establishing a clear causal link between the accident and any claimed aggravation of pre-existing conditions and the challenges plaintiffs face in proving damages when their medical history is complex.

Walter and Beverly Lewis were rear-ended at a stoplight. While the accident was minor, with no damage to the other vehicle and only slight damage to their own, the Lewises claimed the accident aggravated their pre-existing back and neck pain. They initially settled with the at-fault driver’s insurance company but then filed a claim against their uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) carrier, State Farm, alleging their damages exceeded the initial settlement.

The trial court ruled in favor of State Farm, finding that the Lewises failed to prove their chronic pain was aggravated by the accident beyond a brief period. It determined that the initial settlement adequately compensated for any injuries or aggravations caused by the accident.

pexels-kartatos-10622718-683x1024In a recent personal injury case, Latulippe v. West Jefferson Medical Center, the Louisiana Court of Appeal tackled the complexities of assessing damages in a car accident case where the plaintiffs had pre-existing medical conditions. The case arose from a rear-end collision on the Crescent City Connection bridge involving an ambulance. While the defendant admitted fault, the extent of the plaintiffs’ injuries and the appropriate compensation became the central point of contention. The appellate court ultimately affirmed the trial court’s decision, highlighting the importance of proving causation and the impact of injuries on the plaintiffs’ lives, even with pre-existing conditions.

Two brothers, Daniel and Casey Latulippe, were rear-ended by a West Jefferson Medical Center (WJMC) ambulance while stopped in traffic. The ambulance driver admitted fault, stating he didn’t brake to avoid the collision out of concern for the patient and EMT in the back.

Both brothers, along with their wives, sued WJMC for damages. The case went to trial, focusing solely on causation and the extent of the brothers’ injuries.

The recent decision in Anderson v. State from the Louisiana Court of Appeal, Third Circuit, highlights the complexities of assessing damages in personal injury cases, particularly when the plaintiff has pre-existing medical conditions. The court’s ruling underscores the principle that even if a plaintiff has prior health issues, a defendant can still be held liable for exacerbating those conditions due to their negligence. This blog post will analyze the critical aspects of the Anderson case and its implications for personal injury claims in Louisiana.

Laura Anderson was involved in a car accident with Marlys Sanders, an employee of the State of Louisiana. Both parties had conflicting accounts of how the accident occurred. A jury found both parties 50% at fault but awarded Anderson no damages, concluding she didn’t sustain any injuries from the accident. Anderson appealed this decision.

The medical evidence presented at trial showed that Anderson had several pre-existing conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and prior injuries from previous car accidents. However, she argued that the accident worsened her existing conditions.

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