Articles Tagged with legal advice

pexels-sora-shimazaki-5669602-703x1024In the realm of legal malpractice, the timing of filing a lawsuit is critical. A recent Louisiana Court of Appeal decision, Wells v. Henry T. Dart, Attorneys at Law, APC, underscored this point, highlighting the one-year peremptive period for bringing such claims in the state. Let’s dissect this case and understand the implications for those considering legal action against their attorneys.

Glenda Wells hired Henry T. Dart, Attorneys at Law, APC, to represent her in a personal injury and property contamination lawsuit against several oil companies. Over time, Ms. Wells became dissatisfied with their representation and lodged a complaint with the Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board in October 2013, stating she believed the firm’s actions constituted “major negligence.”

Despite this, Ms. Wells continued her relationship with the firm until they withdrew from her case in 2015. Subsequently, her case was dismissed, and she filed a legal malpractice lawsuit against the firm in March 2017. The firm argued her claim was barred by the one-year peremptive period outlined in Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:5605.

pexels-veronika-bykovich-144474426-10400997-683x1024A recent United States Court of Appeals ruling for the Fifth Circuit highlights the complexities of establishing personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state employer in a lawsuit filed in Louisiana. The case, Blakes v. DynCorp, centered around a Louisiana resident who sued his Virginia-based employer for alleged wage and benefit violations under both Afghan and Louisiana law. The court ultimately dismissed the case for lack of personal jurisdiction, emphasizing the limited circumstances under which a Louisiana court can exercise authority over a non-resident defendant.

Everett Blakes, a Louisiana resident, was employed by DynCorp International, LLC, a Delaware company headquartered in Virginia, to work in Afghanistan. He signed an employment contract that specified Afghan law would govern any disputes and that any legal action would be resolved in an Afghan forum.

Despite this, Blakes filed a lawsuit in Louisiana alleging DynCorp failed to pay wages and benefits owed under Afghan labor law, the Louisiana Wage Payment Statute, and the terms of his employment contract. DynCorp moved to dismiss the case, arguing that the Louisiana court lacked personal jurisdiction over them.

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