Articles Tagged with Insufficiency of Service of Process

pexels-bentonphotocinema-1095602-1024x683In a recent decision, the Louisiana Court of Appeal, Fourth Circuit, overturned a trial court ruling in a medical malpractice case involving the death of Nicole Phillips. The case, Jamal Wright et al. v. The State of Louisiana, O/B/ of Jamie Alleyn, M.D., et al., highlights the critical importance of adhering to proper service of process procedures when suing state-employed healthcare providers.

The case originated from a medical malpractice claim against several doctors employed by the State of Louisiana. The claim was initially brought before a medical review panel in 2015 and subsequently amended following the death of Nicole Phillips in 2016. The lawsuit was then filed by Jamal Wright, the father of Ms. Phillips’ minor child.

The Doctors, upon being served with the Petition for Damages, filed declinatory exceptions of insufficiency of citation and insufficiency of service of process. They argued that the service was improper as it was not directed to the designated agents for service of process as required by Louisiana law.

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