Articles Tagged with Golden Nugget Lake Charles

pexels-pixabay-269630-1-1024x683In a recent decision by the Louisiana Court of Appeal, Third Circuit, Golden Nugget Lake Charles, LLC, emerged victorious in a slip and fall case brought forth by Carolyn A. Watts. The case revolved around Ms. Watts’ alleged injuries sustained from a fall on the casino’s premises.

Ms. Watts initially filed a petition claiming she slipped and fell on a wet floor within the Golden Nugget casino lobby. However, during her deposition, she clarified that the incident occurred on the boardwalk outside the casino while it was raining. Ms. Watts attributed her fall to the wet conditions and alleged injuries to her right shoulder, neck, and back.

Golden Nugget filed a motion for summary judgment, arguing that the accident took place outside the casino, on the boardwalk, during rainy conditions. They contended that Ms. Watts could not establish that the walkway posed a hazard or that Golden Nugget’s negligence contributed to the incident. They supported their motion with evidence, including Ms. Watts’ deposition transcript, surveillance video of the incident, and an affidavit from their Risk Manager confirming the rainy weather and lack of prior complaints about the boardwalk.

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