Every doctor places great value on their professional reputation in the medical world. This is because a doctor’s reputation is one of the primary ways a community judges the doctor’s standard of care. When this reputation is wrongly called into question, a doctor may want to use legal avenues to clear their name. A Parish of Tammany doctor found their reputation challenged and decided to fight back with their own counter-lawsuit to establish that he was not responsible for a woman’s death after his treatment.
Elaine Bonano went to the emergency room and was seen by Dr. Richard Jeansonne. Dr. Jeansonne assessed her symptoms and diagnosed her with a urinary tract infection (UTI). She was ordered to take oral medication to treat the infection and had a short stay at the hospital. Less than two days later, Mrs. Bonano returned to the emergency room and was seen by another doctor at the hospital. The doctor changed the diagnosis from a UTI to a kidney infection.
Eventually, Mrs. Bonano passed away, and her husband pursued a negligence claim through a medical review panel (MRP). The claim was based on the initial misdiagnosis and his view that the improper diagnosis was the beginning of the end for his wife. The MRP met and unanimously agreed that Dr. Jeansonne’s medical treatment of Mrs. Bonano was proper.