Articles Posted in Negligence

If a company manufactures a defective product, and an individual is injured by that product, the manufacturer may be liable for the damages suffered by the product-user. The product, be it a cleaning supply or an automobile part, or any number of different items found in everyday life, bears an element of responsibility of reliability and worthiness when it is delivered by a manufacturer. When that responsibility is breeched, legal remedy is available.

As the Fifth Circuit described in the seminal case of Matthews v. Remington Arms Co., in order for an injured party to win an action against a product manufacturer, that party must prove: (1) that the party, or another “person or entity” was using the product in a manner reasonably anticipated by the manufacturer; (2) that an aspect of the product directly caused the damage(s) claimed; “(3) the product was ‘unreasonably dangerous’ either in construction, design, or warning; and (4) the characteristic rendering the product unreasonably dangerous either ‘exist[ed] at the time the product left the control of its manufacturer or result[ed] from a reasonably anticipated alteration or modification of the product.’”

If a party can show that a product, used in a way reasonably anticipated, could harm a product-user, the manufacturer may have a legal duty to design its product in a manner which would avoid such harm. As explained by the Fifth Circuit, a reasonably anticipated use is a “use or handling of a product that the product’s manufacturer should reasonably expect of an ordinary person in the same or similar circumstances.” If it can be shown that a product was misused and that misuse resulted in the damages claimed by the product-user, then that user cannot collect against the manufacturer for his or her damages.

The plaintiff, Linda Garcie, filed a claim against the city of Shreverport after she sustained multiple injuries from tripping over an elevated portion of a sidewalk within the city. Ms. Garcie was walking her dog when she tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. The sidewalk was located outside the residence of Ms. Emily Pasquier, and was maintained by the city of Shreveport. After the pain in her right shoulder continued to bother her days after the accident, Ms. Garcie decided to seek medical treatment for her injuries. The court found the city to be 75% liable for Ms. Garcie’s injuries, while the court determined that the remaining 25% of liability was from Ms. Garcie’s own fault. In filing its appeal, the city contended that the trial court erred in finding that the city was at fault for its failure to maintain the sidewalk on which Ms. Garcie tripped because the city had no knowledge of the apparent defect in the sidewalk.

The determination for a city’s liability over public objects, like a sidewalk, rests on three key factors: knowledge, opportunity, and neglect. LSA-R.S. 9:2800 states that in order to find a public entity liable for damages based on the condition of objects within their control, the public entity must have had actual or constructive notice over the condition of the object, have had a reasonable opportunity to remedy the defect, and have failed to do so. In Lee v. State, the court determined that in order for an individual to recover against a public entity, the plaintiff must show by a preponderance of the evidence that (1) the thing that caused damage was in the defendant’s custody; (2) the thing was defective due to a condition that created an unreasonable risk of harm; (3) the defendant possessed actual or constructive notice of the defect, yet did not take corrective action within a reasonable period of time; and (4) the defect was a cause in fact of plaintiff’s harm. The court in Graves v. Page established that in order for the appellate court to overturn the decision, the appellate court must determine whether the trial court’s conclusion is reasonable based upon the record as a whole.

Unfortunately for the city of Sherveport, the evidence presented at the trial court was heavily stacked against them. During the trial, it was discovered that Mr. Pasquier contacted the city on multiple occasions to notify them of the sidewalk’s condition. Originally, the Pasquires reported a three inch crack in the sidewalk, which was later repaired by the city. However, Mr. Pasquire testified that sometime between 2006 and 2007 a one inch crack in the same sidewalk reappeared. Again, he called the city to request a repair of the sidewalk. However, Mr. Pasquire also testified that the newly formed crack in the sidewalk was obvious to him and he had walked multiple times across the sidewalk without tripping. The city’s superintendent of street and drainage was responsible for the intake of street issues, like Mr. Pasquire’s report of the reoccurring sidewalk crack. The superintendent, relying on the city’s C-CAR complaint system, stated that at no time did Mr. Pasquire’s new sidewalk complaint ever appeared in their system. The system relied on an operator to input all public complaints requiring city maintenance. Due to Mr. Pasquire’s vague recollection of reporting the second sidewalk issue, and the failure of the city’s complaint system to not recognize any complaint by Mr. Pasquire, the city questioned whether the complaint was made at all. The city argued that Ms. Garcie failed to establish all elements of liability necessary to hold the city responsible because there was sufficient evidence to show that Mr. Pasquire’s sidewalk issue was never reported to the city, therefore preventing actual or constructive notice by the city of the defect.

This post continues from yesterday:

The trial court relied on the testimony of Mr. Williams’ account of events leading up to his injury in making its conclusion of what occurred. While the trial court did hear testimony from an IESI employee who stated that the garbage trucks did not have flaps on the top of the garage truck capable of causing the damage to the cable box, the trial court felt that the demeanor and testimony of Mr. Williams made him a credible witness. Though there were a few inconsistencies with Mr. Williams’ story, the trial court was confident in his consistency with the major details of the incident to rely on Mr. Williams’s testimony about the garage trucks flap. The appellate court concluded that there was no manifest error in the trial court’s ruling that there was a flap rising form the top of the truck.

The appellate court dismissed IESI’s second argument because the court failed to again find any clear error made by the trial court in its conclusion that Mr. Williams had in fact met his burden to show that IESI had breached their duty. Benjamin v. Housing Authority of New Orleans notes that, through the question of whether a defendant had a duty to the plaintiff is a question of law, the question of whether the defendant breached that duty is a question of fact. IESI did not dispute that they owed a duty to Mr. Williams, only that the evidence was insufficient to show that IESI had breached that duty. Again, the appellate court is required to apply the manifest error doctrine to determine whether a trial court clearly erred in its factual determination of breach.

Freak incidences occur every day that do have very real consequences for the responsible party. While some things may seem unavoidable for the victim, the party which caused the injury must go before a court and try to prove their innocence. One recent case, involving a garbage truck and down cable wire, helps illustrate how even unusual chains of events can have real consequences.

The plaintiff, Randy Williams, filed suit against the Louisiana Corporation IESI after the company’s garbage truck caused neck and shoulder injury to Mr. Williams. On December 17 2003, Mr. Williams stopped the IESI owned garbage truck during its daily garbage pick-up to request the help of the garbage men. Mr. Williams was requesting the help of the men to get his garbage can to the curb. After the men provided him assistance, Mr. Williams went to the trunk of his car. Mr. Williams testified that he heard a snapping noise and was suddenly struck by the end of a cable wire. It was concluded that the top of the garbage truck had snagged on the end of the cable wire as the garbage men continued on their route after assisting Mr. Williams. After the IESI employee’s realized what had happened, they pulled the wire loose from the truck and informed Mr. Williams that they would send help to fix the cable wire. The trial court found the IESI to be 100% liable to Mr. Williams’ injuries, awarding him just over $50,000.00. The appellate court affirmed the trial court’s ruling, while bringing to light the standard needed by a plaintiff to succeed in the different factual and legal questions required to hold a person liable for negligence.

A prima facie case (or a case in which the evidence presented is sufficient for a judgment) of negligence rests on a plaintiff’s ability to show that a duty was owed to the plaintiff by the defendant, the defendant breached that duty, and actual damage resulted as a direct cause of that breach. IESI believed that the trial court incorrectly determined that Mr. Williams had successfully met this burden. IESI made three arguments to the 3rd Circuit, requesting a reversal of the trial court’s decision: (1) IESI claims the trial court erred in concluding that a flap on the top of the garbage truck was what snagged the cable box and caused the accident; (2) IESI claims the trial court erred in finding that Mr. Williams met his burden of proving that IESI breached its duty of care to Mr. Williams; and (3) IESI claims that the trial court erred in failing to consider the possibility that the injury was in part the fault of the cable company in failing to maintain the cable wire as required by Louisiana regulation.

A wide variety of events can occur to cause injury. The courts, when faced with a civil litigation involving a personal injury, are forced to narrow the cause of said injury in order to determine how much damage was caused by an incident. When a person has a series of injuries, or has a less than sterling claim, the courts are forced to decide just how responsible the incident was for the pain suffered.

A recent case involving a malfunctioning bridge and a questionable “victim” helps highlight this problem. The plaintiff in this case, Ms. Trahan, was stopped at the Highway 14 Bridge in Abbeville, Louisiana as a boat passed under. The bridge, owned and operated by the defendant Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development, failed to correctly fall in place once the boat had safety passed. The bridge incorrectly sat between 3 to 7 inches above the road’s surface. Ms. Trahan hit the raised area while traveling approximately 15 miles per hour. Ms. Trahan claimed that she had sustained severe back pain as a result of the collision. The state argued that they were in fact liable for the defect in the bridge, but the injury sustained by Ms. Trahan was not at all related to the defective bridge. The trial court agreed with the state department and dismissed the case. In its conclusion, the trial court found the credibility of Ms. Trahan to be highly suspect, and was presented with evidence that suggested alternative possibilities for Ms. Trahan’s injuries. Ms. Trahan’s sole appeal rested on the fact that the trial court erred when it failed to find that the injury to Ms. Trahan was a direct result of the bridge incident.

A necessary element to a claim of liability is not simply that an injury exists, but that the factual evidence sufficiently shows that the defendant was the actual and proximate cause of that injury. In ruling on questions of fact, like the one presented in this case, the appellate court follows the manifest error standard when determining whether to affirm or reverse the trial court’s decision. At the trial court, Ms. Trahan was required to show by a preponderance of the evidence that her back injury was a direct result of the bridge’s defect. Because the trial court determined that Ms. Trahan failed to meet that burden, the manifest error standard, as stated in Lewis v. Department of Transportation & Development, requires the appellate court to determine only if the trial court’s factual conclusion were reasonable. The decision is only reversed if it is found that the trial court’s finding was clearly wrong or manifestly erroneous. The case of Orea v. Scallan puts the standard in perspective, stating that the appellate court may not reverse simply because it is convinced that, had it been determining the facts as they were presented in the trial court, it would have come to a different outcome. Additionally, when a trial court’s findings are based on the credibility of witnesses, Rosell v. ESCO establishes that the trial court’s reasonable evaluation of credibility and reasonable inferences of fact should not be disturbed upon review by the appellate court.

In a previous post, we discussed Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (“UM”) coverage provisions in auto insurance policies. In short, UM coverage is intended to protect the policyholder in cases of injury or loss inflicted by another driver who has inadequate insurance or no insurance at all. UM coverage is not without limitation; however, as most policies apply the coverage only to the named policyholder himself and in cases when the loss or injury occurs through use of the vehicle covered by the policy. In Cadwallader v. Allstate Ins. Co., the court stated that an insurance policy is “a contract between the parties and should be construed using the general rules of interpretation of contracts set forth in the Civil Code.” Thus, the policy language will control the details of UM coverage, so long as any limitations in the provision do not violate public policy.

The general rules of contract interpretation were applied by Louisiana’s Second Circuit Court of Appeal in the case of Kottenbrook v. Shelter Mutual Insurance Co. On June 29, 2009, Jack Kottenbrook, an Ouachita Parish sheriff’s deputy, was involved in a car accident while riding as a passenger in a police cruiser. He suffered serious injuries in the crash and sought damages before eventually settling with the at-fault driver and the driver’s insurer. Kottenbrook then filed a lawsuit against Shelter Mutual Insurance Company, alleging he was covered under the underinsured motorist provision in a policy for which he was identified as an “additional listed insured.” This policy was issued to Jack Armstrong, Inc., a corporation, and specifically covered a Ford Mustang owned by the corporation. Kottenbrook was, however, not driving this Ford Mustang when the accident occured, so the court must look to the direct policy language to determine if he was occupying a “covered vehicle” in which the policy would provide him coverage.

Shelter disputed that the policy’s UM coverage extended to Kottenbrook, given that he was not “occupying” the “covered vehicle” at the time of his injuries. The Second Circuit declared that “the coverage extended to Kottenbrook is defined and limited under the policy.” A reading of the definitions contained within the policy led the court to find that UM coverage “was limited to Kottenbrook’s use of the [Mustang,]” not any other vehicle such as the police cruiser. The court found nothing impermissible about this limitation from a public policy perspective, and affirmed the trial court’s judgment for Shelter. It is important to read and understand the coverage of a UM insurance policy because they are often equipped with a variety of limitations. As in Caldwater v. Allstate Insurance Co., insurance policies are contracts that must be looked at with a careful set of eyes to truly understand how every provision hidden in the contract applies to unfortunate circumstances like Mr. Kottenbrook.

Cities and towns are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of streets and sidewalks. The issue arises though, when such streets and sidewalks fall into disrepair and injure residents. Yet, no person shall have a cause of action against a public entity (such as a city) for damages caused by the condition of things within its care and custody unless such entity had actual or constructive notice of the particular vice or defect which caused the damage prior to the occurrence, and the public entity has had reasonable opportunity to remedy the defect and has failed to do so. Louisiana revised Statute 9:2800. To recover against a public entity such as a city for damages certain requirements have to be met. Thus, unless the legal requirements are all fulfilled a plaintiff may or may not be able to recover depending on the circumstances.

In a recent Louisiana Second Circuit Court of Appeal decision, the court explores the requirements that a plaintiff must meet in order to recover for injuries sustained as a result of a defective thing in the city’s custody and care. The facts of the case involve a plaintiff who was walking her dog along a city sidewalk in Shreveport, Louisiana. While walking her dog she tripped over an elevated portion of the sidewalk and fell to the ground. The fall caused her substantial pain in her shoulder which led her to seek medical treatment the day after the incident at the emergency room of Willis Knighton Health Center. She eventually filed a petition for damages against the defendant city of Shreveport and was awarded $964.99 for medical expenses and $20,000 in general damages. The City appealed the decision on the basis that the requirements for a lawsuit against a city were not fulfilled.

To recover against a city for damages due to a defective thing, such as a sidewalk, the plaintiff must prove by a preponderance of evidence four things.

In Darren Dugas, et al v. Bayou Teche Water Works, et al, the Third Circuit Court of Appeal for Louisiana (“Court”) provided guidance on Louisiana statute La. R.S. 9:5624, which limits the liability of any government entity in Louisiana in connection with a public works for a two-year statutory period. The plaintiffs, the Dugas family (“Dugas plaintiffs”), sued Bayou Teche Water Works, Inc. (“Bayou Teche”) and its insurer for damages they allegedly sustained from Bayou Teche’s dumping of brine into an irrigation canal.

The Dugas plaintiffs owned a stretch of farmland along an irrigation coulee in Iberia Parish, and used the irrigation water for their farming operations. Bayou Teche, the defendant, runs a potable water treatment plant nearby. According to the petition, the Dugas plaintiffs notified Bayou Teche immediately upon discovering the discharge, but Bayou Teche continued to discharge the brine into the waterway for about a year after. After the Dugas plaintiffs brought suit, Bayou Teche answered their petition by merely stating that it was a Louisiana corporation that complied with all applicable statutes and regulations in its operation. The company subsequently filed an exception of prescription, which the trial court granted. In granting the exception, the trial court relied on La. R.S. 9:5624, which states that “[w]hen private property is damaged for public purposes any and all actions for such damages are prescribed by the prescription of two years, which shall begin to run after the completion and acceptance of the public works.” As discussed previously, the statute was adopted to limit governmental exposure from claims for damages to property when the damage is caused by a public work. Nuckolls v. Louisiana State Highway Department. The policy behind the statute is to encourage projects that provide a public purpose or benefit. The statutory period begins to run when the damage is discovered. In other words, the suit must be brought within two years after damages are sustained. Therefore, any suit that is not brought within the two-year period is barred. By granting the exception, the trial court concluded that the Dugas plaintiffs did not bring their lawsuit within the period of time set by the law.

Since the burden of proving the exception of prescription is on the movant, the ultimate issue on appeal was whether Bayou Teche met its burden of proof. After reviewing the record, the Court concluded that Bayou Teche failed to meet its evidentiary burden. The Court reasoned that the evidence introduced at the lower level only addressed the defendant’s allegations that the plaintiffs’ own negligence caused their damages. At the hearing, Bayou Teche failed to argue how it satisfied the particular elements of the statute. It did not assert it was a government entity nor explain how its water treatment plant and the dumping of brine serve a public purpose.

The use of asbestos in products such as concrete, bricks, pipes, and other building materials has made way for a large amount of litigation on asbestos-related diseases and deaths. This litigation can help victims of the chemical and their families find some sort of meaning and relief from the toxic material. Litigation on asbestos, however, is very difficult both because the asbestos-related damages did not result from a single, identifiable act, and because it is not only the companies that produced the asbestos which are guilty- it is also those that used and marketed it.

A recent case contains both of these difficulties. Phillip Graf was exposed to asbestos for a period of 30 years while working in several jobs including metal works and drywall. Such extended exposure to such toxic material places one at risk of contracting mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. Graf suffered from mesothelioma and later died from the disease. His family, Beatrice, Doryk, and Paulette Graf are suing in response to his death. They have named 29 defendants in the case, including Benjamin Moore & Co. and Metropolitan Life. The Graf family claims that the defendants are not only guilty of designing, manufacturing, packaging, transporting, and selling asbestos products, but also aiding and abetting the marketing of asbestos products.

In a traditional personal injury case, the damage results from a single act, but in asbestos cases such as Phillip Graf’s, the damages occurred over periods as long as 30 years or longer. What is worse, typically problems that result from asbestos exposure take years to show. Mesothelioma itself is impossible to detect early on and its symptoms are similar to other diseases, so patients are frequently misdiagnosed. All of this makes it very difficult for plaintiffs to prove that their health problems resulted from asbestos exposure and then link that asbestos exposure to the actions of the defendants. In the Graf case, the Graf family will have to show that the suffering and death Phillip Graf endured from his mesothelioma was caused by asbestos exposure, and that the named defendants caused that exposure.

The Louisiana Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit recently upheld a trial court decision finding a Monroe motorist negligent following a minor collision in which she was rear-ended by a police cruiser as she was pulling across five-lane Forsythe Avenue. The plaintiff, Cathy Griffin, sued the City of Monroe and Police Officer Jeffrey Pilcher following the July 2008 collision.

The Trial Court held Griffin was clearly negligent, noting that Griffin barely avoided a collision with a westbound vehicle when she pulled her car out onto Forsythe. The Court held she then crossed the lanes of travel and entered the outside lane where the collision occurred. After taking the matter under advisement to determine whether any fault should be assessed against Pilcher, the trial judge found no fault on his part. The trial judge concluded that Pilcher was doing what was necessary to apprehend a speeder and was not driving with reckless disregard for the safety of others, whereas Griffin pulled onto Forsythe without seeing what she should have seen, namely, Pilcher’s approaching patrol car with its emergency lights flashing.

Griffin appealed both the Trial Court’s finding that she was negligent as well as the determination that Pilcher was not negligent.

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