Articles Posted in Negligence

Louisiana strongly favors arbitration between parties when they have a dispute. Generally, it is less expensive and less time consuming than taking the case to trial. The arbitrator will determine the outcome of the damages based on an assessment of all of the circumstances in the case. Each side presents their side of the story so that the arbitrator can make a fair determination of the damages.

In many cases, once the arbitrator makes a decision, neither side can contest the decision unless it violates the law in some way. The Supreme Court of Louisiana has stated, “Because of the strong public policy favoring arbitration, arbitration awards are presumed to be valid. Errors of fact or law do not invalidate a fair and honest arbitration award.” National Tea Co. v. Richmond, 548 So.2d 939, 932 (La. 1989). This type of thinking makes it very difficult to set aside a decision of an arbitrator once it is completed. A case from the parish of St. Landry illustrates this idea.

In that case, the plaintiffs, a family that included two small children, bought a mobile home that they later discovered had mold in the walls and the roof had rotted. The mold likely contributed to their children’s breathing problems, and the family sought damages from both the manufacturer and the seller of the mobile home. The parties were required to arbitrate because the family signed an Arbitration Agreement shortly after they bought the mobile home.

Injury can occur on the job even when you least expect it. Kenneth Dale Kelly, a forklift operator for Lena, Louisiana, shipping company Boise Cascade, was injured on the job in August 2007. Unlike most workplace injuries that occur due to accidents, Kelly was intentionally injured by a coworker. Kelly was sitting at his desk with his feet propped up when an altercation over a work assignment with Dwayne Myers began. Despite Kelly’s pleas to be left alone, Myers approached Kelly, picked him up out of the chair, and threw him to the ground. Kelly, whose history of back injuries was well-known by all coworkers, including Myers, landed on his back and immediately began experiencing severe pain and discomfort. Boise conducted an internal investigation, and Kelly’s story was corroborated by several coworkers.

Kelly then filed suit against Myers, Boise, and Boise’s liability insurer, and the 5 day trial began on December 13, 2010. During trial, Kelly argued that Myers’s conduct was intentional and that Boise was therefore liable under the doctrine of vicarious liability. Kelly moved for a directed verdict, stating that reasonable minds could reach no other conclusion than that Myers had committed battery (an intentional tort), that Myers had committed this tort within the course and scope of his employment, that Kelly was not at fault for any part of the injury, and that Kelly was injured due to Myers’s conduct. The trial court confirmed the first two issues, and the jury, finding that Kelly was indeed injured but was 30% responsible, assessed $994,940.00 in total damages to Kelly and his wife. The trial court then increased Kelly’s damages for past medical expenses and past lost wages and granted Boise credit for previously paid workers comp benefits.

The defendants appealed, arguing, among other things, that: 1.) Boise should not be liable under respondeat superior for an intentional tort committed by Myers, 2.) the trial court incorrectly applied the Lebrane test, and 3.) the trial court erred in directing a verdict for battery.

It is no secret that evidence and witness testimony are arguably the two most important aspects of injury litigation and the impact that each has on the outcome of an adjudication can either make or break your case. In order to understand these effects more fully, it is important to note that there is a difference between an ordinary and an expert witness. Ordinary, factual witnesses provide knowledgeable accounts of the facts of the case through either their direct participation or observation of the intricacies of the case, whereas expert witnesses hold specialized knowledge in a particular educational field and use this advanced knowledge to clarify or explain a piece of information. Ordinary and expert witnesses are viewed differently in the eyes of the court system and are governed under separate sections in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure due to this distinction.

Unlike an ordinary witness, an expert witness is only permitted to testify at trial once an expert report has been filed with the opposing party. This is necessary to alleviate any future misunderstandings concerning the nature and purpose of the expert’s review and this extra measure fosters preparation, awareness and allows the parties to put their best foot forward during trial. Harmon v. Georgia Gulf Lake Charles, LLC, a recent opinion handed down from the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, illustrates the importance of complying with the mandatory standards regarding expert witnesses and the permissibility of their testimony and how not doing so can cause a party to conclude that it has insufficient evidence upon which to proceed to trial. This case involved injuries caused by an industrial accident in Westlake, Louisiana.

In this case, the Court held that Harmon did not properly comply with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(a)(2)(B) and therefore, it decided to uphold the exclusion of imperative expert testimony. In 2006 and 2007, Ms. Harmon and four others claimed to have been injured when toxic chemicals were released into the air due to a fire and an explosion at the Georgia Gulf’s chemical facility in Westlake, Louisiana. Before trial was set to begin, the magistrate entered an order requiring Ms. Harmon and the other four plaintiffs, respectively, to provide an expert report within a timely manner for each expert witness to both Georgia Gulf Lake Charles L.L.C. and American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company.

In order to take a case to the courtroom, you must have a cause of action. Generally, a cause of action means that there is some law that the other person has violated, and that violation has harmed you, so you should be compensated for that harm. If the law does not offer the plaintiff a remedy, then they cannot bring a case to court. When a court determines whether there is a cause of action, it does not look at the evidence of the case. Instead, it looks to only the petition that the plaintiff has filed. It assumes that all the facts are true to make this initial determination. Once a cause of action is established, then the case can go through the normal procedures to get into a courtroom.

Langston Hughes Academy Charter School’s former financial advisor stole money from the school in the amount of $667,000. She spent a portion of those funds at the Treasure Chest Casino. The school attempted to sue the casino to recover at least a portion of that money. In order to recover, the school needed to show that they had a cause of action against the casino. The school argued three major causes of action.

First, the school argued under the Louisiana Unfair Trade Practices Act (LUTPA). LUTPA provides a cause of action for “unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce.” The plaintiff must “prove that the conduct offends public policy, is immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous, or substantially injurious to customers.” Hernaez v. Mothe Life Ins. Co., 09-0147, p. 7 (La. App. 5 Cir. 11/10/09), 28 So.3d 454, 458. While the LUTPA originally only applied to consumers and business competitors, the Louisiana Supreme Court recently expanded the definition to include all people.

The arena of insurance law is a very confusing area in which, quite often, significant knowledge and experience is required for a quality outcome. It is important to know which types of coverage are available and applicable for different circumstances. Without knowing which coverage can apply and to what extent it can apply, an insured individual may find themselves without the coverage they thought they would have in the event of an accident. In some circumstances, insured individuals attempt to insure themselves in the event that the person who they get into an accident with is uninsured or underinsured. This has the result of allowing the insured to have access to a pool of money under all circumstances. Sometimes two different people may have uninsured coverage on the same vehicle or under the same policy. The impact of this kind of insurance largely depends on the relationship status of the parties. This type of a scenario was the focal discussion point in Hardy v. Augustine.

In this case, the Court discussed a way in which the plaintiffs attempted to add more claims to the general damages claim. Mr. Augustine was driving down the road and swerved into oncoming traffic. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy’s son was driving a motorcycle and was involved in a tragic head-on collision with Mr. Augustine after he swerved into oncoming traffic, which ultimately took his life. The tragic event led to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy bringing action against Mr. Augustine and his insurance company. The Hardys brought two distinct claims: they sued for past and future loss of love, affection, and companionship and they also sued for past and future grief and anguish. At the trial level, the jury awarded damages for each distinct claim. The jury awarded damages for both claims plus medical expenses and funeral costs.

Assuming that the amount of damages were going to exceed Mr. Augustine’s insurance coverage, the Hardys brought suit against State Farm, its own insurance company, under two different uninsured insurance policies. One policy was owned by Mr. Hardy and the other was owned by Mrs. Hardy. Each policy would pay up to $100,000 for each incident. State Farm paid $100,000 under the first policy, but refused to pay under the second policy citing the anti-stacking statute as a legal basis for denial of making a payout under both policies.

In Louisiana, an employee can only be compensated for a work related injury through workers’ compensation. This means that if an employee is negligently harmed during the course of work, the only remedy available is what is provided through the workers’ compensation act. This is true unless the injury was as a result of intentional conduct. In the business world, many general contractors contract out work to subcontractors. Legally the issue in such a case becomes how to define who the employee is employed by in case of an injury. In Louisiana, there is a doctrine called the two contract theory. The basic outline of this theory is that in a situation where there are three parties in a contract which includes a general contractor, subcontractor, and subcontractor’s employee, the subcontractor’s employee is considered an employee of the general contractor. This mean that if the subcontractor’s employee is injured while performing work for the general contractor, the employee will only be able to receive workers’ compensation, not any damages based on negligence or any other branch of tort law. This may, at first glance, seem like a harsh result. However, in the modern business world, there are so many employment contractual relationships that liability must be limited to what is reasonable under the circumstances. The two contract theory should not be viewed as a way to protect business, but rather as a means for the judicial system to not be able to overreach.

In a recent case, Mason v. Waste Management Inc. Et Al., the law concerning employee rights is discussed in such a circumstance. Lamare Kindle and Wallace Bradley, were employed by Waste Management Inc. Mr. Bradley was employed directly by Waste Management. Mr. Kindle was employed by CPST Inc. CPST was a subcontractor which had contractually agreed to supply Waste Management with employees in an effort to help Waste Management collect trash it was required to contractually pick up. Waste Management had agreed to pick up trash in a contract with the Morehouse Parish Police Jury. So the contractual relationships are broken down as follows: Morehouse Parish Police Jury needed a company to come pick up trash in its area. Waste Management agreed to pick up the trash and signed a contract with Morehouse Parish to do so. Mr. Bradley was employed by Waste Management. In an effort to fulfill its obligation to Morehouse Parish, Waste Management needed to hire temp workers. CPST contractually agreed to supply Waste Management with employees. Mr. Kindle was employed by CPST.

Mr. Bradley was driving a truck registered to Waste Management. Mr. Kindle was a passenger in the truck driven by Mr. Bradley. Upon coming to a train track Mr. Bradley made the tragic mistake of crossing over the tracks as a train passed the intersection. Both Mr. Bradley and Mr. Kindle was sadly killed as a result of the collision with the train. Mr. Kindle’s parents sued Waste Management alleging that it was liable for any negligence that was attributed to Mr. Bradley while he was driving the garbage truck. The police report stated that the accident was likely the result of Mr. Bradley’s inattentivness. Waste Management argued that under the two contract theory, Mr. Kindle was its employee and because there was negligence and not intentional conduct, the only remedy available was workers’ compensation. Because Waste Management held a position as a general contractor in relation to Morehouse Parish, and CPST held a relationship with Waste Management as a subcontractor, the circumstance of the contractual relationships fell under the definition of the two contract theory. Therefore, Mr. Kindle was considered an employee of Waste Management and the only remedy available was workers’ compensation.

The Berniard Law Firm is proud to be a New Orleans-based organization and nothing says NOLA better than Mardi Gras!

We wish all of our readers a happy, and safe, Mardi Gras holiday!

There are some circumstances under which states and local governments are immune from liability. For example, in most states a state or local government is immune in relation to the normal acts of governance. However, what things a government can be liable for is defined by the state constitution and state legislation. The government can limit its liability in any responsible and constitutional manner possible. In Louisiana, as it pertains to civil liability, state and local government liability is dealt with in La. R.S. 9:2800. In pertinent part this provision states:

“…no person shall have a cause of action based solely upon liability imposed under Civil Code Article 2317 against a public entity for damages caused by the condition of things within its care and custody unless the public entity had actual or constructive notice of the particular vice or defect which caused the damage prior to the occurrence, and the public entity had a reasonable opportunity to remedy the defect and has failed to do so.”

This provision clearly describes the liability imposed on a Louisiana government in the case that the governmental entity owns and operates property. The types of property can range from sidewalks, roads, public educational institutions, and many other types of property. The essential aspect of when the governmental entity can be liable is based on actual or constructive knowledge and an opportunity to remedy the defect after acquiring the knowledge. Courts have taken great care in defining actual and constructive knowledge. The Louisiana Supreme Court has defined actual knowledge as knowledge of dangerous defects or conditions by a corporate officer or employee of the public entity having a duty either to keep the property in repair or report any defects to the proper authority. The Louisiana Supreme Court has defined constructive knowledge as it is defined in La. R.S. 9:2800, as the existence of facts that infer knowledge. What is crucial is understanding the scope of the definition of constructive knowledge. For example, an absence of a plan to inspect does not confer constructive knowledge on a governmental entity. In the past, plaintiffs have brought claims that attempted to expose local governments to liability based on the governmental entity’s lack of a procedure to inspect publicly owned property on a regular basis.

Larry Carriere was unable to bring a successful legal malpractice claim against his lawyer because he brought the claim in the wrong venue. Carriere filed suit in Lafayette Parish, where he lived when he hired his attorney, David Szwak. Instead, the suit should have been brought in Caddo, where his lawyer’s law office is because that is where the wrongful conduct occurred.

Filing improperly is a mistake than can be fixed, but such delays can be detrimental; The suit must be brought within a certain period of time. Here, the action was not filed in the proper venue, Caddo, until after the peremptive period had ended. Peremption is a period of time for the existence of a right. If the right is not exercised within that specified time period, the right expires when the peremptive period ends.

Carriere argued on appeal that he exercised his right in a timely manner by changing to the correct venue, and thus interrupted the peremptive period. However, the appellate court disagreed, stating that under Louisiana Law, peremption may not be renounced, interrupted, or suspended.

A recent case within the Kentucky Court of Appeals demonstrates very extremely the need for quality counsel in all court proceedings. Regardless the subject or reasons you may find yourself in court, it is important that the lawyer you hire is not only able to represent you well in the courtroom and past it. While you would like to think the courts have the rule of law well established in the minds of their judges, a qualified attorney will also review the matters at hand to make sure all ‘facts’ are correct in the proceedings.

In the case of Bramer Crane Servs., LLC v. Structure Builders & Riggers Mach. Moving Div., LLC, a lien issue was reviewed by the superior court of the state. While the actual facts of the case are not important for this post, what is important is that the findings of the court were inherently flawed. Cited in the case was a fact that was severely outdated, as much as 20+ years and two revisions.

As the blog Zlien notes, instead of a clean finding, the court had lapsed in its research and failed to note updated law. The issue was that the ruling relied on judicial precedence rather than a review of legislation passed during this time. While one would like to consider the issue a simple lapse in judicial research, the fact remains that this unpublished decision could very easily have gone unnoticed without people stepping up.

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