Medical malpractice claims and recovery based on those claims are regulated by Louisiana statute. As such, the law places limits on the time an injured party has to file a claim. Once a claim is filed, the review process is subject to intermediate deadlines. As the following case demonstrates, a misstep in either the overall time limit or one of these intermediate points can be hazardous to a malpractice claim.
The case of Carter v. Ochsner Clinic Foundation, 978 So.2d 562 (La. Ct. App. 2008), involved a plaintiff, Janet Carter, whose mother died because of an improperly placed catheter. Ms. Carter sued both the doctor and the clinic involved in her mother’s treatment. Unfortunately for Ms. Carter, her attorneys’ work also proved to be a little sloppy.
Ms. Carter’s mother passed away on July 14, 2005. Under Louisiana law, a claim for a wrongful death resulting from medical malpractice must be filed within one year of the death (La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 9:5628). Technically, the law requires a plaintiff to file a claim within one year of the malpractice or one year of discovering malpractice. However, the Louisiana courts have reasoned that when a person dies, the potential malpractice is readily evident. Thus, the statute of limitations begins to run on the date of death.