In the world of workers’ compensation, being injured while on the job is an obvious requirement. Things tend to get muddled however in these cases over accident dates, pre-existing injuries, and the actual cause of the injury. In the following case, Carlos Harvey had all these things working against him…
Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Comprehensive proof of driver at fault’s underinsurance required to claim under underinsurance policy
Underinsurance policies provide drivers an extra layer of protection. These policies compensate drivers for injuries suffered in accidents with uninsured or underinsured drivers, but the process of claiming under these policies can be problematic. Ted Luquette encountered this difficulty after he was injured in a car accident in Abbeville. Luquette…
Louisiana Court Does not Hold Insurer Responsible for Negligence of an Uncovered Driver
Lawsuits that are rooted in car accidents are typically cut and dry; it is easy to determine the party at fault and to determine the party that should pay for the costs of damage. However, a case arising out of Monroe proves that this is not always the case. This…
Proving Third Party Negligence Can be Tough Both Legally and Personally
It is often the case that although technically legal, certain lawsuits will not be popular amongst the general public because the court’s reasons for its decision just will not make sense at an emotional level. Despite this fact, people should take notice of the fact that courts rule based on…
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana- Why Did the Fifth Circuit Find This Plaintiff’s Claim Outside the Scope of the Consumer Leasing Act?
A person may seek help from the federal court system when that person feels that they have been cheated or wronged. However, one needs to make sure that the federal court can actually help the situation. Personal jurisdiction is the ability of a court to exercise power over a person…
Louisiana Court Forced to Sort Our Complicated Maritime Contract Dispute
Contract disputes can often be complicated when multiple parties and corporations are involved. Courts are forced to sort out multiple claims and counterclaims and figure out who is accountable for what. Even after a decision is made, there can be multiple appeals and judgments that a higher court is asked…
New Orleans Traffic Camera Ticket Recipients Class Action Unsuccessful
The difficulties of certifying a class for a class action lawsuit were highlighted in a case in which an Orleans Parish resident, Michelle Albe, disputed a speeding ticket imposed by the City of New Orleans Automated Traffic Enforcement System (“ATES”). Ms. Albe’s challenge was based on the wording of a…
You’re Both at Fault: Automobile Collision in Monroe, Louisiana, Results in Equal Liability to Both Drivers
Do you remember how it felt to get your driver’s license? Perhaps there was a sense of freedom, invincibility, or just sheer excitement. Imagine, or think back to your own memories of, that feeling’s abrupt end — your first car accident. Such was the experience of one teenager in Monroe,…
Disability ERISA Insurance Claims Require Timely Production of Evidence
Navigating an ERISA disability insurance claim through the courts can be a difficult task. The best ERISA disability isurance claim lawyers can help be your guide to ensure your rights are protected. The following case that arises out of the Federal Court system in New Orleans demonstrates the issues that can…
Alexandria Sam’s Club Employee’s Fall at Work Leads to Long Battle in the Courts
Justice is often not a sprint through the courts, but a long carefully navigated journey. This is because the law is not always black and white and standards of proof may make it difficult for a Plaintiff to prove his or her case. In a lawsuit arising out of Parish…