What if you are injured, hire a lawyer, and that lawyer fails to sufficiently work on your case? Outrage ensues and you may choose to fire that lawyer and hire a second. But is that first lawyer entitled to payment if you happen to win and receive an award in…
Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Louisiana Tech Company Loses on Attorneys’ Fees after Remand Run-Around
It is not uncommon for a victorious party in a lawsuit to seek attorneys’ fees upon their win. There is no guarantee however the judge will agree an award of attorneys’’ fees are warranted. In some cases filed in state court, the defendant can remove the case be heard in…
Slip and Fall Lawsuits Require Proof in Louisiana, Not Mere Speculation
No legal case is without controversy, but some of the most controversial types of cases involve a slip and fall injury. For some, it is hard to believe that a “little fall” could actually cause substantial injury. Often times, those who bring a slip and fall action are seen as…
Louisiana Court of Appeals Discusses Continuances and Dismissals in Louisiana
When a case goes to trial, there are many nuances that a lawyer might have to address, including a motion for a continuance or a dismissal. A continuance is the postponement of a hearing, trial or other scheduled court proceeding at the request of either party or by the judge.…
Caddo Parish, Louisiana Woman Injured At Work Can Only Recover Once for Her Injuries
“My neck, my back, my neck and my back” is a cliche that has been used in television shows and movies when someone gets hurt in an accident and likely tends to file a lawsuit. Although Caddo Parish, Louisiana woman, Ruth Toliver, may not have used the exact phrase, she…
St. Bernard Parish Government Demolishes Man’s Rental Property Without Notice
Imagine that you own several rental properties, and one day some of the properties get severely damaged by a hurricane. You slowly try to repair the damaged properties, but your local government decides to demolish it, without notifying you first. That is what happened to a St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana…
Mandeville, Louisiana Man Not Allowed to File Lawsuit Against Lowe’s.
Res Judicata, also known as claim preclusion, is a Latin term that literally means “for a matter judged.” In the legal system, res judicata is a doctrine that prohibits a second lawsuit from being filed for a matter that has already been judged or decided on the merits. Once parties…
Non-Party to a Lawsuit Forced to Pay In Garnishment Case Out of East Baton Rouge Parish
Most of us probably owe money to someone. Whether it be for our home, a vehicle, a credit card or even just to a friend. A common legal tool called a garnishment is one way of using the civil court system to help recover money owed to you when someone is…
Orleans Parish Bicyclist Personal Injury Case Gets a Chance to Go to Trial
The majority of cases, civil and criminal alike, never make it to trial. The parties may settle the case out of court or the claims may simply be dropped by the plaintiff. A third reason why a case may not make it to the jury is if a judge grants…
Strict Construction of Statute Flattens Timber Theft Case Out of DeSoto Parish
Imagine you owned acres of lush and valuable trees. Then imagine that one day, you discover your land to be completely barren, the valuable trees almost completely removed. Even worse, you have no real, viable recourse against the thieves who cut down and hauled off the trees because of a…