
Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer Blog


Nursing Home Medical Malpractice Case Returns to Trial after Summary Judgment Is Overturned

The already tragic loss of a parent is only made worse when you believe that the death should have been prevented. Such was the case for Chester Domingue when his ninety-four-year-old mother, Onelia, passed away as the result of a fall in her nursing home, Camelot. While a medical provider…


Liability for Negligent Entrustment of an Automobile Must Be Established by Consent

In certain situations, car owners and their insurance companies may be liable for a death caused by a non-owner driving the car. However, that liability only arises when the car owner expressly or implicitly grants permission to the driver. A common fear for car owners is that someone borrows their…


Louisiana Court of Appeal Dismisses Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Due to Absence of Expert Testimony

Losing a family member just a few shorts weeks after the family member was discharged from surgery can cause one to wonder if the death occurred due to medical malpractice. Providing expert medical testimony can often be essential to succeeding in a medical malpractice lawsuit, and certainly in the case…


Insurance Company Avoids Paying for Claim Despite Issuing Two Certificates of Insurance

Obtaining insurance coverage to protect a new company purchase can be crucial to preventing financial loss. But does a company have policy coverage on a new purchase when the insurance company provides only a certificate of insurance? A case in the First Circuit Court of Appeal for Louisiana recently addressed…


Public Entity Ordered to Pay Damages After Accident on Film Set

No one wants to be held liable for the injuries of another. Wet floor signs, warning tags, and regular inspections are all ways we provide notice to others of hazardous conditions. Sometimes, though, when a hazard is unexpected or has never presented itself as a potential risk of harm, liability…


Court Dismisses Priest’s Defamation Suit Because of Its Likelihood of Failure

Freedom of speech is one of America’s most celebrated rights. However, it does not mean that courts tolerate all types of speech. After all, we have all heard that the freedom of speech does not allow an individual to falsely yell fire in a crowded theater. Despite there being restrictions,…


Car Accident Victim Gets Appeal Dismissed Because Lack of Valid Final Judgment

You lose your case. However, your lawyer tells you not to despair. She tells you that you can appeal the trial court’s judgment at the appellate court. However, it is not always that simple. Appellate courts, like trial courts, do not just accept every single case that comes their way.…

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