The importance of legal contracts cannot be understated. Though we generally sign contracts on social media or online shopping websites without ever looking at their provisions, it is essential to carefully look at contractual provisions in insurance policies and the like. For example, you never want to discover that your…
Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyer Blog
Injured Worker’s Lawsuit Rejected for Failing to Show Any Genuine Issue of Material Fact
Most court cases do not proceed to actual trial. In the context of criminal cases, the defendants often accept plea deals. In the context of civil cases, however, parties often settle or the case is simply dismissed through motion practice. For a plaintiff to succeed in a civil case, he…
Medical Malpractice Claim Sent Back to the Trial Court due to Doctor’s Affidavit
Lawsuits are filed every day. However, not all of these lawsuits are worth the attention of the courts. Courts are already swamped with dozens and dozens of cases on their dockets and they cannot afford–both monetarily and temporally–to hear every case that comes to their courtrooms. As a result, courts…
Can Independent Contractors Performing Manual Labor Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Louisiana?
There are many ways that someone can be denied workers’ compensation benefits. Sometimes it is determined that the accident giving rise to the injury never occurred, other times the claim is filed too late, and in other cases the capacity in which the worker was hired determines eligibility for benefits.…
Does Your Work-Related Accident Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
What may seem like a simple worker’s compensation claim can turn into a surprisingly complicated dispute over the nature of the injury and the payment of benefits. For many years, Reginald Crockerham worked as a forklift operator for Weyerhaeuser Holden Wood Products in Tangipahoa Parish. After almost two years of…
When is It Too Late to File a Products Liability Claim in Louisiana?
It can be puzzling — if not outright humorous — to observe the warnings in many pharmaceutical advertisements about how a drug’s side effects can be so severe that the potential harms outweigh the possible benefits. What’s not at all funny is when one of those side effects causes a…
Baton Rouge Parent Denied Compensation Resulting from Son Abandoned on School Bus
How much of an award or compensation could a parent expect when a school board is found liable for inflicting trauma on a child? A trauma to a child would have a profound effect on the parent as well as the child. Is it not reasonable to expect the school…
Baton Rouge Restaurant Owner Not Responsible for Slip and Fall Accident
The following scenario is not uncommon. Person enters restaurant without incident. Same person exits restaurant, fails to notice the one-step curb just beyond the door, falls, gets injured, and files a lawsuit against the restaurant. When is a restaurant owner responsible for such an incident? A recent case out of…
Insufficient Medical Evidence Leads to Louisiana Court Throwing Out Default Judgment in Bar Fight Lawsuit
We all try our best to avoid trouble, but sometimes fights happen. It may be best to avoid a brawl if you see one occurring. However, when you see your friend in a bind, human nature kicks in, and before you know it, you’re in an altercation that you never…
New Roads Man Denied Coverage Under Uninsured Motorist Provision of Employer’s Insurance Policy
What happens when a motorist is injured in an automobile accident while operating a vehicle owned by an employer? While Louisiana law often permits named insured employees to receive reciprocal coverage under an employer’s insurer, insurance law is a complex and, at times, unclear field, especially in relation to uninsured/underinsured…