
Articles Posted in Slip and Fall Injuries


Wal-Mart Not Liable For Slip And Fall Accident in Houma, Louisiana

If you slip and fall at a store, you might think the store will be liable for your injuries. However, to succeed in a slip-and-fall claim in Louisiana, there are various elements you must show before you can recover. You might not recover for your injuries if you do not…


Plaintiff Fails to State Slip and Fall Claim Against Metairie Cafe Owner

Slip and fall claims are among the most common types of personal injury lawsuits. But how do you ensure that your claim makes it through the legal process? A dismissed case against a Metairie restaurant can show you what mistakes to avoid in setting up your slip-and-fall claim for success. …


Lawyer’s Lack of Persistence Causes Baton Rouge Slip and Fall Lawsuit to Fail

Personal injuries occur every day in society and should be taken seriously. Yet, courts must judge the importance of each accident. As a result, not all injuries are ruled in favor of the injured individual. A lawyer representing an injured person must investigate the circumstances and facts surrounding the injury…


Can the Time to File a Lawsuit in Louisiana Be Extended Due to Discovery Issues?

Have you ever noticed that running alongside power lines are other types of cables? They are not easily distinguishable from one another, but communication lines and support lines also run along our electricity source. Looking so similar, it would be hard for an ordinary person to tell to whom each…


When a Building’s Ledge is Open and Obvious, Building Owner Not Held Liable for Fall

Tripping over a ledge in public can be both embarrassing and painful. Sometimes the fall can result in serious injuries. Who should be at fault for any damages sustained? As with many legal issues, it depends. Unfortunately for one woman in Covington, Louisiana, the apparent nature of the ledge, coupled…


Who is Liable for a Slip and Fall Accident in Louisiana, the Landlord or Tenant?

A customer sustaining severe and permanent injuries from a slip and fall accident at a business can cause one to wonder about the potential liability of the business owner. This can become even more complex in a situation where the business owner has leased the unit from the party that…


Baton Rouge Restaurant Owner Not Responsible for Slip and Fall Accident

The following scenario is not uncommon. Person enters restaurant without incident.  Same person exits restaurant, fails to notice the one-step curb just beyond the door, falls, gets injured, and files a lawsuit against the restaurant.  When is a restaurant owner responsible for such an incident? A recent case out of…


Company Prevails in Slip and Fall Claim because Condition was Obvious and Apparent

We often imagine slipping and falling on company property to be an instant payday for the injured party. Slip and fall injuries, however, can occur as a result of a variety of conditions and in numerous locations. One recent unusual situation involved algae in a parking lot that caused a…


Plaintiff in Lawsuit Involving Injury at St. Francisville Resort Fails to Survive Summary Judgment

Vacations should be a time for relaxation and unwinding from the stresses of everyday life. No one who spends their hard-earned money renting a vacation condo expects to be injured during their stay. But how much responsibility does the owner of the condo have for maintaining the furniture in the…


Popular Baton Rouge Shopping Center Avoids Liability for “Open and Obvious” Sidewalk Danger

How often do you walk along a sidewalk without paying attention to where you’re walking? Next time you’re out strolling, take notice of where you step! An obvious danger could prevent you from recovering for any injuries, as a local Louisiana woman recently discovered. On July 18, 2012, Anita Melancon…

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