If your hurt on the job your recourse will typically be through the workers compensation system. Once you are in that system you must play by the rules and follow all orders of the court. If you don’t your employer does have recourse to seek to limit your benefits. Such…
Articles Posted in Pain And Suffering Claims
Louisiana Appeals Court Finds Tangipahoa Parish School Board Partially Liable for Eye Injury Sustained on School Band Trip
If you are fortunate enough not to sustain serious injury as a result of someone else’s negligent actions, you may not realize that the compensation for your injuries can be apportioned and spread to other liable parties. Further still, if you were partially responsible for causing your own injury, you…
Failure to Prove “Constructive Knowledge” Leads to Dismissal of Mandevile Plaintiffs Lawsuit Claiming He Fell in Hole
Sometimes what you do – or fail to do – before filing a lawsuit, can have a big impact on the final result, as Ross Lynch of Mandeville, Louisiana recently learned. Lynch owns property on Girard Street in Mandeville. Two of his neighbors own a lot directly adjacent to his…
Speculation Not Enough to Find Electrical Shock from Taser as the Cause-In-Fact for a Subsequent Heart Attack In Shreveport Lawsuit
On the afternoon of April 13, 2011, Officer J.M. Bassett of the Shreveport Police Department heard loud music coming from a motorcycle parked at 251 E. 72nd in Shreveport Louisiana. When Officer Bassett attempted to make contact with the man, Jessie Scott, Scott became hostile. As the situation escalated, Officer…
Cleaning Grandma’s Roof Turns from Chore to Lawsuit as Ouachita Resident Falls from Ladder
In a recent personal injury case, the plaintiff, Angela Lawrence, from Ouachita, Louisiana, sued her 76 year old grandmother Dorothy Dell Sanders and Allstate Insurance Company, for injuries sustained when Ms. Lawrence fell from the top of a ladder after cleaning her grandmother’s roof. Ms. Lawrence was no stranger to…
Defendant in Superdome Personal Injury Case Not Let Off the Hook So Easily
When a Louisiana resident is injured, she should consider filing a lawsuit against the person, group, or organization whose negligent or intentional acts were a proximate cause of the injury. However many potential plaintiffs do not realize that there may be several other persons and entities, not readily perceptible…
Quachita Parish Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Discusses Prescription and Whether Amended Complaints “Relate Back”
Prescription is a legal doctrine that serves to prevent people from filing lawsuits after a specified lapse of time has passed. The public policy behind the idea of prescription is not to prevent people who have been harmed from receiving relief. Instead, prescription is meant to allow someone who has…
Local Man’s Lawsuit Against Hammond Police Alleging Beating Is Dismissed After Two Day Trial
When a person files a lawsuit, they generally have the right to be heard on their complaint. However, depending on when the lawsuit is brought, the action may be barred due to the lapse of time between the events leading to the lawsuit and the date the lawsuit is filed.…
Ovarian Cancer and Baby Powder Lawsuits: 5 Things You Need to Know
Fortune 500 company, Johnson & Johnson is in hot water over recent lawsuits contending that the medical device, pharmaceutical and consumer goods manufacturer was aware of an increased risk of ovarian cancer in women who regularly used talcum powder on or near their genital region, but failed to disclose those…
5 Things You Need to Know About Essure Birth Control Device Lawsuits
1. What is Essure? Essure Permanent Birth Control Device is a non-invasive permanent sterile alternative. Essure has been implanted in over half a million women. Essure is “nearly 100 percent” effective in preventing pregnancy. The 10 minute procedure consists of placing two four-centimeter, metal coils made of stainless steel…