
Articles Posted in Offshore Accidents


River Boat Casino Injury: Is it a Maritime Issue?

Gambling is one of the many recreational activities that the state of Louisiana has to offer. One of the more popular ways to gamble in Louisiana, is on the river boat casinos. However, in a recent Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeal decision, the court explored whether or not incidents…


Louisiana Residents’ Backhoe Damages Utility Cable on Owned Land a Trespass?

In the event that a landowner plans to do any form of significant work on an area of land, whether cosmetic, such as landscaping, or extensive, the work should be preceded by the contracting of one qualified and certified to inspect the property and physically mark the location of utility…


American Bar Association Calling for Nominations of Top 100 Lawyer Blogs

The ABA (American Bar Association) has called upon lawyers and non-lawyers alike to submit blogs from across the internet as exceptional examples of legal advice and content. With content about the law ranging widely across the internet, the ABA recognizes the value of those blogs that wish to educate the…


Opelousas Parish Natural Gas Explosion, Part 3: Assigning Fault

Recently we explored the Third Circuit Court of Appeal’s discussion of the legal cause of a tragic natural gas explosion at the Jones residence in Opelousas Parish. Another of Centerpoint’s assignments of error on appeal, the last that we’ll review from the case, was that the jury incorrectly apportioned fault;…


Opelousas Parish Natural Gas Explosion, Part 2: Determining Causation

In our prior post, we observed the Third Circuit Court of Appeal’s finding that the jury correctly held that Centerpoint Energy failed to meet its duty of properly securing the natural gas line and valve when it disconnected service at the Jones residence in Opelousas Parish. Establishing the duty owed…


Opelousas Parish Natural Gas Explosion, Part 1: Exploring the Utility Company’s Duty

On May 7, 2003, Centerpoint Energy disconnected the natural gas service at the house of Carl Jones, Sr. and his family because they were past due on an outstanding balance. A short time later, Jones and his son removed the gas stove from the kitchen and replaced it with an…


Fifth Circuit Finds Rifle Manufacturer “Not Liable” for Injuries Sustained After Rifle Firing Resulted in Uncontained Explosion

If a company manufactures a defective product, and an individual is injured by that product, the manufacturer may be liable for the damages suffered by the product-user. The product, be it a cleaning supply or an automobile part, or any number of different items found in everyday life, bears an…


Louisiana Third Circuit Court of Appeal Reverses Grant of Exception of Prescription

In Darren Dugas, et al v. Bayou Teche Water Works, et al, the Third Circuit Court of Appeal for Louisiana (“Court”) provided guidance on Louisiana statute La. R.S. 9:5624, which limits the liability of any government entity in Louisiana in connection with a public works for a two-year statutory period.…


Asbestos Cases Always Difficult, Involve Negligence and Diverse Defendant Groups

The use of asbestos in products such as concrete, bricks, pipes, and other building materials has made way for a large amount of litigation on asbestos-related diseases and deaths. This litigation can help victims of the chemical and their families find some sort of meaning and relief from the toxic…


Maritime and Industry Injury Cases Quite Complex (Continued)

In Catalyst Old River Hydroelectric Limited Partnership v. Ingram Barge Co.; American River Transportation Co., the 5th Circuit revisits the decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court in Robins Dry Dock Co. v. Flint, 275 U.S. 303(1927): a foundational precedent for both maritime law specifically, and modern negligence law, generally.…

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