According to a recent article in New Orleans’ Times Picayune, Kenneth Allain of Tailsheek pled guilty last month to charges that he permanently injured a 75 year old woman by ramming his car into her while under the influence of prescription drugs. The accident occurred on Louisiana 41 about three…
Articles Posted in Negligence
Contract Indemnity Provision Voided Under Louisiana Oilfield Anti-Indemnity Act: Legislative Intent Irrelevant When a Statute is Clear
Samuel Silverman Jr. was injured while working for BJ Services Company, a contractor for Bass Enterprises Production Company, hired to provide services on an oil well in Cado Parish. The injury was to Silverman’s knee and occurred because a hoist operator employed by another contractor at the site, Mike Rogers’…
Louisiana Roads in Bad Shape: Poor Roads Lead to More Accidents
According to a recent study published by the Road Information Program (a nonprofit group that evaluates highway data), Louisiana has the second highest auto fatality rate in the nation. In 2008, Louisiana had 2.02 deaths for every 100 million miles traveled. Montana was the one state with more deaths, at…
Bridge Accident Case Shows Value of Litigation Discovery for Plaintiff
The issue of whether a defendant breached a duty of care owed to the plaintiff in a negligence case is settled by examining the events that occurred in connection with the accident. Unfortunately for many plaintiffs, specific details about the defendant’s conduct may not be readily available and, absent some…
Slip-and-Fall at Farmerville Grocery Store Shows Plaintiff’s Burden in Negligence Suit
Under Louisiana law, store owners are required to exercise reasonable care to keep their stores free from conditions that could be hazardous to customers and visitors. When a customer is injured while browsing the aisles, the merchant’s efforts to maintain a safe premises are often given great scrutiny. To win…
Shreveport Slip and Fall Illustrates Law’s Approach to Liability
If you have slipped and fallen in a Louisiana store, you may not realize you are not alone. What’s more, you might not understand that you may have the legal rights to make a claim against the store for the incident. Just recently a lawsuit was filed in western Louisiana…
What Happens When you Get Sick on Vacation? Celebrity Cruise Ship Docked After Massive Illness Outbreaks
The cruise ship Celebrity Mercury was forced to its home port of Charleston for a four day cleaning recently. After the third straight outbreak of Norovirus on the 1870 passenger ship, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control issued a rare “no sail” recommendation. The return home came after Celebrity took…
West Feliciana Parish Pipeline Explosion Illustrates the Required Elements of a Negligence Case
On November 25, 1984, a natural gas pipeline running through a field in West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana exploded, causing the loss of lives and substantial property damage. The pipeline was owned by the Texas Eastern Company, but the land over which the pipeline ran was owned by Mary Lou Trawick…