Minor car accidents occur on a daily basis. Many of us have probably been involved in a fender bender or two, ourselves. The usual course of action includes exchanging information and getting insurance companies involved, but even the smallest car accidents can lead to litigation. It is imperative to understand…
Articles Posted in Civil Matter
An Avoyelles Hardwood Company Found In Contempt of Court for Failing to Comply with the Specifics of a Court Order
Parties to a lawsuit are required to submit evidence in support of their claim. Depending on the piece of evidence, the court may demand very specific evidence; and in such circumstances, complying with the mere spirit of the order to produce evidence may not be enough for the court. A…
Outcome of Edgerly Case Dependent On Qualification and Use of Expert Witnesses
When asserting a cause of action or maintaining certain legal defenses in court, parties bear the burden of proving their case. This is done by presenting evidence to the court such as documents and witness testimony. Often, certain issues will require the court to make findings of fact which require…
Marksville Automobile Accident Lawsuit Lost Because Plaintiffs Failed to Name Proper Defendant
Failing to name all potentially liable parties in a lawsuit in a timely manner could result in the loss of the right to add those parties to the lawsuit at all. A case out of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana illustrates the importance of finding a good lawyer after an automobile accident…
Louisiana Lawsuit Moves Forward After Arbitration Provision Deemed Inapplicable
How do you know whether an arbitration provision in a contract applies? The easy answer: read the contract. If you are a member of a company that provides services to you, such as financing your small business needs, you must be sure to closely read any and all documentation relating…
Details are the key in Insurance Policy Contracts in Louisiana
No one likes to deal with insurance matters. Shopping for insurance and understanding the terms of an insurance policy can be complex. Most people are happy to just pay their monthly premiums and know that they have insurance when they need it – and then hope they never need it…
Baton Rouge Construction Contract Shows Proof Needed for Contract Dispute
If your contractor tells you a job will take a day, you might expect it to actually take a week. But, do you have to pay your contractor for time they are unable to work? Depending on the contract agreement you signed you may be liable for the costs the…
Deficiency Judgment Case Out of Baton Rouge Shows Need For Understanding Written Agreements
If you fail to make payments on a mortgage you may lose your home, but you may also be held liable for any remaining debt after your home has been sold. If the sale of your house does not pay off the balance of what you owe, the institution owning the…
Failure To File Lawsuit In Timely Manner Could Bar Recovery Of Damages
Imagine walking into your recently deceased parent’s home and discover that due to freezing temperature the pipes burst and there is water everywhere. You are shocked and angry because your parent’s beloved home is damaged significantly. Photographs and family memories that filled the home are now drowning in water. You…
Summary Judgment Lets Doctor off Hook in Louisiana Medical Malpractice Case
Court procedures can be confusing for many people. Cases can be even more confusing when they involve medical malpractice claims. One Louisiana case arising from injuries suffered by the plaintiff from treatment he received in March and April of 2009 reached the summary judgment stage. The complaint was originally filed…